Invesment | Ammount |
Number of SDRs/BDRs you'd like to hire | |
*SDR price base per month | |
**SDR price per year | $48000 |
Total yearly SDR team price | $0 |
*Prices are subject to negotiation and depend on the seniority you're hiring, their activities and location **Bonus is tied to the SDR's quota attainment | |
Number of expected meetings per rep | |
Meeting show up rate | |
Close rate | |
AVG Time to close (in months) | |
Annual Contract Value (ACV) | $ |
Total number of montly meetings | 1 |
Total number of yearly meetings | 1 |
Total number of held meetings per month | 1 |
Total number of held meetings per year | 1 |
Number of closed deals per month | 0 |
Number of closed deals per year | 0 |
Revenue | $0.00 |
ROI | 0% |
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Sepapaja tn 6, 15551 Tallinn, Harju maakond Estonia
Ulcinjska 27, Belgrade, Serbia