2X Your Show up Rate With This Proven 5 Step Show-up Rate Checklist

We used this process to 2x our SDRs’ meeting show up rate.

Download this Show up Rate Checklist and make sure you maximize the chances your prospects show up to your calls.

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This is for you if:

🚫 Your SDRs have a below 80% show up rate

🚫 You find yourself sitting idly on initial meetings, hoping they’ll show up last minute

🚫 You HATE sending that email/text: “you joining for our call?” to another prospect that ghosted

Here's what you can expect:

✅ 5 actionable chronological steps across email, text, phone & social

✅ Exact messages and call scripts – what to say, when to say

✅ At least 2x show up rates 

👇 Download the 5 Step Meeting Show Up Checklist👇

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